Intellectual Property & Technology
General Information
The whole Aptos Dragons game is being created using a unique theme created by the core development team and an artist. All artwork has been created specifically for this game and is unique in its entirety. The game and theme do not infringe on any previous artistic ideas and are based on entirely new idea created by its inventors.
The Game Design & Technology
The Aptos Dragons game is created using modern programming techniques, embracing web3 technology and more prominently the Aptos blockchain technology. The application will use the Aptos PoS (proof-of-stake) token as a fundamental operating token.
The Aptos token is particularly well designed for use in this application, due to its scalability, reliability and speed of operation. We also believe that this project creates a new, but simple entry into the Aptos network, creating a precedence in applying this new programming technology. The main application however will be written using javascript, specifically Next.js framework for the front-end elements and Express.js for the backend.
The entire game theme will revolve around the Dragon theme, which will make the whole gaming experience neat, exciting and fun to use.
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